Eva Dannenfeldt is a specialist in criminal law with offices in Frankfurt am Main and Darmstadt. She advises and defends individuals and companies nationwide in corporate criminal law as well as in selected areas of general criminal law.
Individual one-to-one support is a matter of course for her.
Her range of services includes in particular: Compliance, criminal tax proceedings, environmental crimes, asset recovery, property crimes, foreign trade criminal law, medical criminal law, insolvency criminal proceedings and corruption offenses.
As an expert in the field of criminal law, she provides competent advice and advocates for you. In order to achieve the best result in the defense, it is important to carefully determine the procedure and defense strategy; whether it is the quickest and gentlest possible termination of the proceedings or protection from public pillorying in order to prevent the loss of the job or the managerial position.
In the Focus Ranking "1000 Top Lawyers & Firms" for the year2021 - Eva Dannenfeldt has been recognized - again - as the leading law firm in white collar criminal law in Germany.
Legal 500 (2016) has ranked Eva Dannenfeldt in the firm's ranking for white-collar criminal law, taking into account "the firm's good position in the market" and "the impressive number of individual criminal cases involving white-collar and tax criminal law."
She will also be happy to advise you in her office in Frankfurt am Main.
Further information can be found at
Professional career:
2021 v. KEUSSLER – Rechtsanwälte and owner of the criminal law firm Dannenfeldt, Frankfurt a.M.
2015 Dannenfeldt & Rumpf, Frankfurt a.M.
1999 Kempf & Dannenfeldt, Frankfurt a.M.
Since 1999 specialist lawyer for criminal law
1995 Kempf, Pfaff, Baier, Dr. Marx & Dannenfeldt, Frankfurt a.M.
Studies: University of Münster and Georgetown University, Washington D.C., USA
Wirtschaftsstrafrechtliche Vereinigung e.V. (WisteV) Vereinigung Hessischer Strafverteidiger e.V. Arbeitsgemeinschaft Strafrecht des Deutschen Anwaltvereins (DAV) Republikanischer Anwältinnen- und Anwälteverein e.V.
Foreign languages:
English, French